Utility Partners signed a contract with the Town of Littleton to provide utility management services on January 1, 2012. This full-service agreement includes the operation, maintenance, and management of wastewater treatment facility, collection system, and Industrial Pretreatment Program (IPP).
The wastewater treatment facility is designed for 1.5 MGD secondary treatment. It consists of a headworks area that includes an automatic bar screen and grit removal system. Flow is then pumped by two screw pumps to the oxidation ditch before being sent on to two secondary clarifiers. An ultra-violet (U/V) light system is used for disinfection and the facility is capable of injecting CL2 as a backup. The solids handling area of the facility utilizes a centrifuge unit. Our staff performs all required laboratory testing and analysis required to insure the NPDES requirements are met.
There are three pump stations in the collection system and all have stand-by generators. Our staff responds to all sewer calls and clears blocked sewer lines as necessary. This site has multiple certified operators and is supported by regional management. We perform all maintenance, repair, and replacement activities of the Town of Littleton's assets through this contract.
An additional duty is Littleton calls for Utility Partners to provide snow removal at ten parking lots throughout the town.
Littleton, NH