F-15E Strike Eagles assigned to 389th and 391st Fighter Squadrons
F-15E Strike Eagles assigned to 389th and 391st Fighter Squadrons
Professional Utility
Management Solutions
Fox Business Day withTerry Bradshaw Featuring the Optech Family of Companies
At Fox Business Day, they are searching all over the country to find innovative professionals who are on track to become tomorrow's business leaders.
They found that cities are improving services to the public by outsourcing its services to private companies, such as Optech, in order to take advantage of these professionals' experience and also save cities a great deal of money.
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Featured on the Fox network program, John Stossel Report, 'The Battle for the Future'...
Cities are experiencing difficult financial situations these days, and many cities, such as Sandy Springs, GA, have decided to privatize their public works in order to both save money and increase the quality of service.
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NY Times Article: Outsourcing Sandy Springs, GA
This news segment from the NY Times explains the incredible benefits and cost savings that are possible with privatizing certain areas of city management.
Our staff applies its experience and expertise by developing innovative and cost-effective solutions for utility system operation and management. We specialize in operating public works, water and wastewater facilities throughout the United States. Our goal is reducing cost and improving service.
We offer professional engineering and utility management operations experience with complex water and wastewater treatment facilities, as well as public works projects for municipal, state, and Federal government clients.
Our goal is to provide high service quality at the lowest responsible price. Our cost proposal represents a responsible and realistic price for the services to be provided given any city's budget. Optech is committed to maintaining competitive margins in the contract operations industry and delivering trusted service. We are confident that our business will represent the best overall value.
The Fox Business Day Segment, featuring Optech Family of Companies, has aired on National television... Local Airings will follow soon! See the Video Right Here!!
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